Membership Benefits in RSCDS-Detroit Branch

Membership is currently open to all individuals. Those who are already members of RSCDS through another branch may join as a mailing list member. Membership includes:

  • Affiliation with the RSCDS, an international organization with branches around the world.
  • Scottish Country Dancer Magazine, published twice per year by RSCDS Headquarters and mailed directly to you.
  • The right to vote in the election of Branch officers, and other business, at the Annual General Meeting and to hold office in the Detroit Branch.

How Are Membership Dollars Spent?

  • A portion of every membership goes to RSCDS Headquarters in Edinburgh, Scotland to pay for the work of the organization.
  • A portion of every membership is allocated to the teaching fund.
  • Rental of space for classes.
  • Music – hiring musicians and/or purchasing recorded music and related equipment.
  • Administration: insurance, website hosting, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Does the Organization Have Other Sources of Income?

  • Income from performances supplements annual dues.
  • Some events, such as balls, are paid for by sale of tickets or admission fees. These events usually break even or are subsidized by general branch funds.


The thistle is the national flower of Scotland.


Membership Form

Please use the membership form here: Membership 24-25_RSCDS Detroit. Print the form, fill in and mail to the address shown on the form, along with a check for your membership dues. 

The membership year goes from June through May. New members joining the branch after January 1 each year are offered a pro-rated membership rate.

The RSCDS Detroit Branch is a 501(c)(7) non-profit organization. The branch bylaws contain additional information on the structure and policies of the organization.